Infotechmon best training center in mohali

Full Stack Development Training in Chandigarh

The Full Stack Web Developer Course in Mohali at infotechmoin teaches learners to handle the entire product lifecycle and build critical skills needed for it. This course covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, .NET, jQuery, PHP, Java, UI/UX, Django, SQL, Angular, React, NodeJS, MongoDB, and Database Management, among other essential components. This training program is brought to you by infotechmon, a Full Stack Developer Course in mohali, to help learners ace their career as a Full Stack Developer and in other relevant roles.   Best Full Stack development Training in Chandigarh.
full stack developer

Scope of Full Stack Development Training

  •  Full-stack developer a good career in 2024
  •  Developers is most in-demand

Why choose Full Stack Development

  • It covers MERN programming language and its interactions with software design. We offer this advance course with the following objectives:

    • Describes the concept of OOPS and its terminology including encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, etc.
    • Tells the advantages of MERN Full Stack
    • Show how to declare and define classes and objects
    • Introduce the concept of constructors and destructors
    • Describes operators, their overloading, comparison, data conversion, etc.
    • Detailed theory on inheritance, polymorphism, virtual functions
    • Tells about templates, exceptions, streams and strings
    • Tells about object oriented systems development

Full Stack Development Syllabus:

javaScript Syllabus

Basics of Java Script

  • What is Js
  • History and Version
  • Installing softwares
  • Module Introduction
  • Adding JavaScript to the Website
  • Variable & Operators
  • Data Type & Constants
  • Condition Statement
  • Blocks
  • Control Statement
  • More on Functions
  • DOM
  • Object-oriented (OOP)
  • OOP & Classes

Full Stack Development

  •  NoSQL Databases
  • CAP Theorem
  • Features of MongoDB?
  • Installation overview
  • Documents
  • Collections
  • Databases
  • Starting and stopping MongoDB
  • Introduction to Mongo Shell
  • Basic commands in Mongo shell
  • Data Types in Mongo shell
  • Inserting and saving documents
  • Batch Insert
  • Insert Validation
  • Introduction to Node JS

  • Introduction

  • What is Node JS?

  • Advantages of Node JS

  • Traditional Web Server Model

  • Node.js Process Model

  • Install Node.js on Windows

  • Installing in mac os

  • Working in REPL

  • Node JS Console

  • Node JS Modules

  • Functions

  • Buffer

  • Module

  • Module Types

  • Core Modules

  • Local Modules

    Node Package Manager

    What is NPM

  • Installing Packages Locally

  • Adding dependency in package. JSon

  • Installing packages globally

  • Updating packages
    Creating Web server

  • Creating web server

  • Handling http requests

  • Sending requests

  • Express.JS

  • Configuring routes
  • Working with express
    Serving Static Resources
  • Serving static files
  • Working with middle ware
    Template Engines
  • Template Engines
  • Why Template Engine
  • What is Jade
  • What is vash
  • Example
  • Database connectivity
  • Connection string
  • Configuring
  • Working with select command
  • Updating records
  • Deleting records
  • File System

  • Fs.readFile

  • Writing a File

  • Writing a file asynchronously

  • Opening a file

  • Deleting a file

  • Other IO Operations
    Debugging Node JS Application

  • Core Node JS debugger

  • Debugging with Visual Studio

  • EventEmitter class

  •  Returning event emitter

  • Inhering events

  • Removing documents
  • Updating documents
  • Update top-level fields
  • Update an embedded field
  • Update multiple documents
  • Replace a document
  • Querying data in Mongo Shell
  • Introduction to find command
  • Limitations in querying data
  • The query for All Documents in a Collection
  • Query by a Top Level Field
  • Query by a Field in an Embedded Document
  • Query by a Field in an Array
  • Specify Conditions with Operators
  • Combine Conditions
  • Data Aggregation
  • Indexes
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • React Js

  • Understand JavaScript MVC

  • Understand the View Technology

  • Overview of React JS

  • Configuration

  • JavaScript MVC

  • View Technology

  • Introduction to React JS

  • React and SPA

  • Basic Setup

  • First Example – Hello World

  • React Basics

  • React Concepts

  • JSX

  • Render Elements

  • Components and Props

  • State and Lifecycle

  • Handling Events

  • React Concepts

  • React Key Features

  • Conditional Rendering

  • Lists and Keys

  • Forms

  • Lifting State Up

  • Composition vs Inheritance

  • Thinking In React

  • Data Flow and Usage with React

  • Data Flow

  • Install React Redux

  • Presentational and Container Components

  • Design Component Hierarchy

  • Implementing Components

  • Passing the store

  • Middleware and React Router

  • Middleware

  • Middleware Applicability

  • React Router Overview

  • React Router Configuration

  • React Router with Redux

  • Navigate with React

  • HTTP Services

  • Why need Services?

  • Creating Logging Service

  • Creating data ServiceJson Placeholder

  • CRUD operations

  • Seperation of concerns

  • Extracting Service

  • Error Handling

  • Extracting a Reusable Data Service

  • Dependency Injection

  • Hierarchical injector

  • Injecting service into service

  • Understanding Importance refactoring

  • Creating reusable components

  • Implementing Dependency Injection to consume a component

  • Implementing

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