About Us
Infotechmon private limited deals in web designing, web development, digital marketing, SEO services, Industrial Training and placemnets in Mohali. Infotechmon offers various 6 months and 6 weeks industrial and software training in Mohali for engineers in mechanical, civil, CSE, ECE/EEE, BCA, MCA, BBA, MBA and other departments.
Our Industrial Collaborations |

Our Vision
We always listen to our students and customers and develop courses that meet the current demand of Industry through a wide range of innovative teaching methods. We believe in offering fixable learning opportunity that can easily fit in our learner’s ‘schedule and commitment.
Our Mission
Academic Excellence built through inspiring teaching pedagogy has always been hallmark of ITM . The overall focus is on inculcating critical and optimal blend of theory, practical and Live projects that leads to experimental learning and makes the students industry ready.
Our Illustrious Academia lighting the forward for the students ITM’s highly professional faculty gives undivided attention to every student ensuring quality education. The seasoned faculty at ITM is comprises of members who are alumni of imperial institutes like IIT and other top institutes of the country.
- Molestie ultrices
- Vestibulum posuere
- Condimentum hendrerit
- Quam placerat laoreet
- Praesent tempor
- Lectus lacus tellus