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Web Development Training in Chandigarh

Infotechmon offers the best Web Development Training in Chandigarh for freshers and beginners. This is the best Web Development company in Chandigarh which provides you a 100% complete practical based training and knowledge for freshers. At our Training company, we start from basics to advance so that students understand the basic. Also, we have an expertise which provides all the valuable information to students on live projects and internships. We will help you during your training session and also provides you 100% assured job placement.  Best Web Development Training in Chandigarh.

Scope of Web Development Training

  • Most popular Technology.
  • Demand is high and it will increase in future.
  • One can start earning by sharing their Web and Freelancer.
  • Web Development very Valuable Concept.

Why choose Web Development course?

  • It covers C++ programming language and its interactions with software design. We offer this advance course with the following objectives:

    • Describes the concept of OOPS and its terminology including encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, etc.
    • Tells the advantages of C++ over C
    • Show how to declare and define classes and objects
    • Introduce the concept of constructors and destructors
    • Describes operators, their overloading, comparison, data conversion, etc.
    • Detailed theory on inheritance, polymorphism, virtual functions
    • Tells about templates, exceptions, streams and strings
    • Tells about object oriented systems development

Web Development Syllabus:


Basics of HTML

  • What is HTML
  • History and Version
  • Installing software
  • Setup Sublime
  • Slider & Position example
  • Internal Details
  • Header & Footer
  • Animation and keyframes
  • Web template
  • Responsive Website
  • transforms
  • transition
  • Pseudo classses
  • Hide Title Bar
  • Screen Orientation


  • CSS selector
  • class , id and tag
  • background
  • flex
  • media query
  • animation
  • display data css
  • CheckBox
  • AlertDialog
  • Spinner
  • AutoCompleteText View
  • RatingBar
  • DatePicker
  • TimePicker
  • ProgressBar
  • Quick Contact Budge
  • Analog Clock and Digital
  • Clock
  • Working with hardware
  • Button
  • File Download

JavaScript & Jquery

  • Basic concept
  • Data types, variable
  • Control Statement
  • Condition Statement
  • Looping
  • Array
  • DOM
  • Validation
  • Event handling
  • Dynamic Fragment

Core PHP

  • Basic of PHP
  • History and Future of PHP
  • Data types & Variable
  • Operator
  • Control Statement
  • Condition(if, if else …)
  • Looping(for, nested for, while and do while)
  • Array (1D and 2D)
  • Function
  • Context Menu
  • Database MySql
  • Create connection
  • Data Insert, show , delete , update and search
  • Join in mysql
  • View
  • Create project
  • E-Commerce Website
  • Ajax (Get, post & ajax method)
  • CRUD using Ajax


  • OOPS
  • Class & Object
  • Encapsulation
  • Access Specifier
  • Inhertance
  • polymorphism
  • Linear Layout
  • Exception handling
  • File Handling
  • Ajax and OOPS
  • CRUD in oops
  • CRUD in Ajax and OOPS


  • WordPress Overview
  • WordPress Installation
  • WordPress Dashboard
  • WordPress Add Category
  • WordPress Edit Category
  • WordPress Delete category
  • WordPress Arrange Categories
  • WordPress Posts
  • WordPress Edit Posts
  • Media add, insert and Edit
  • Base Adaptor
  • WordPress – View Plugins
  • WordPress Install Plugins
  • WordPress-customize plugin

Codeigniter/Laravel Framework

  • Introduction of Laravel
  • Install and run project
  • Add HTML and CSS
  • Directory structure of Laravel
  • MVC intro
  • Default Laravel CMS
  • Laravel CRUD
  • Mapping laravel
  • multi user concept in laravel
  • Livewire
  • live project in laravel
  • etc.

Real Time Project E-Commerce Web Site

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