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HTML Exercise

HTML Exercises

Complete this exercise to refine your html skills

HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages.

What is HTML?

  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
  • HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages
  • HTML describes the structure of a Web page
  • HTML consists of a series of elements
  • HTML elements tell the browser how to display the content
  • HTML elements label pieces of content such as “this is a heading”, “this is a paragraph”, “this is a link”, etc.
Following are the Questions/task which is needed to perform by all the students related to this topic
    HTML basics exercises
  • Create a webpage that prints your name to the screen.
  • Create a webpage that prints the numbers 1 – 10 to the screen.
  • Create a webpage and set its title to “This is a webpage”.
  • Create a webpage that prints the message “When was this webpage created? Check page’s title for the answer.” to the screen, and set the title of the page to the current date.
  • Create a webpage that prints any text of your choosing to the screen, do not include a head section in the code.
  • Repeat exercise #5, but this time include a head section in the code.
NOTE: Include comments in every HTML basics exercise.
HTML text exercises
  • Print your name in green.
  • Print the numbers 1 – 10, each number being a different color.
  • Prints your name in a Tahoma font.
  • Print a paragraph with 4 – 5 sentences. Each sentence should be a different font.
  • Print a paragraph that is a description of a book, include the title of the book as well as its author. Names and titles should be underlined, adjectives should be italicized and bolded.
  • Print your name to the screen with every letter being a different heading size.
HTML text formatting exercises
  • Print the squares of the numbers 1 – 20. Each number should be on a separate line, next to it the number 2 superscripted, an equal sign and the result. (Example: 102= 100)
  • Prints 10 names with a line break between each name. The list should be alphabetized, and to do this place a subscripted number next to each name based on where it will go in the alphabetized list. (Example: Alan1). Print first, the unalphabetized list with a subscript number next to each name, then the alphabetized list. Both lists should have an h1 level heading.
  • Print two paragraphs that are both indented using the nbsp; command.
  • Print two lists with any information you want. One list should be an ordered list, the other list should be an unordered list.
  • Prints an h1 level heading followed by a horizontal line whose width is 100%. Below the horizontal line print a paragraph relating to the text in the heading.
  • Print some preformatted text of your choosing.
  • Print a long quote and a short quote. Cite the author of each quote.
  • Print some deleted and inserted text of your choosing.
  • Print a definition list with 5 items.
  • Print two addresses in the same format used on the front of envelopes (senders address in top left corner, receivers address in the center).
  • Print ten acronyms and abbreviations of your choosing, each separated by two lines. Specify the data that the abbreviations and acronyms represent.
HTML link exercises
  • Create some links to various search engines (google, yahoo, altavista, lycos, etc).
  • Create links to five different pages on five different websites that should all open in a new window.
  • Create a page with a link at the top of it that when clicked will jump all the way to the bottom of the page.
  • Create a page with a link at the bottom of it that when clicked will jump all the way to the top of the page.
  • Create a page with a link at the top of it that when clicked will jump all the way to the bottom of the page. At the bottom of the page there should be a link to jump back to the top of the page.
HTML image exercises
  • Display five different images. Skip two lines between each image. Each image should have a title.
  • Display an image that has a border of size 2, a width of 200, and a height of 200.
  • Display an image that when clicked will link to a search engine of your choice (should be opened in a new window).
  • Display an image that when clicked will link to itself and will display the image in the browser by itself.
NOTE: Include the alt attribute in every img tag in the HTML image exercises.  
HTML basics
  • Setting a background color
  • Including comments in code
  • Setting the title of a document
  • A simple HTML document
HTML text
  • Displaying bold, italic, or underlined text
  • Displaying text in different sizes using headings
  • Displaying text in different fonts, sizes, and colors
  • Using various text tags at once
HTML text formatting
  • Abbreviations and acronyms
  • Displaying text as an address
  • Skipping lines in a webpage
  • Using computer-output tags
  • Definition lists
  • Deleting and inserting text
  • Creating horizontal lines
  • Creating an ordered list
  • Creating ordered lists
  • Creating an unordered list
  • Creating unordered lists
  • Creating nested lists
  • Displaying paragraphs
  • Displaying preformatted text
  • Displaying quotations
  • Setting text to a subscript or superscript
  • Setting text direction
HTML links
  • Linking to other websites
  • Linking to other directories
  • Linking within the same page
  • Opening links in a new window
  • Linking to resources other than webpages
HTML images
  • Displaying images from the same directory
  • Displaying images from another directory or website
  • Setting a background image
  • Setting an image to different sizes
  • Setting image border size
  • Setting an image as a link
  • Setting a title for an image
  • Aligning an image with a paragraph
HTML imagemaps
  • Associating an image with an imagemap
  • A completed imagemap
HTML tables
  • Basic HTML table
  • Table celpadding
  • Table cellspacing
  • Table cell background color
  • Table cell background image
  • Table with empty cells
  • Table row span and column span
  • Table background color
  • Table background image
  • Table borders size
  • Table caption
  • Table cell alignment
  • Table ‘frame’ attribute
  • Table headings
  • Table without borders
  • Tags in tables
  • Nested tables
HTML frames
  • Horizontal frames
  • Vertical frames
  • Mixed frames
  • Frame jumping
  • Navigational frames
  • Frames with no borders
  • Frames not supported
  • Frames not resizable
HTML forms
  • Form buttons
  • Form checkboxes
  • Form fieldset
  • Form hidden fields
  • Form images
  • Form password field
  • Form radio buttons
  • Form textarea
  • Form textbox
  • Submit a form
  • Reset a form
  • all features of Forms
HTML stylesheets
  • External stylesheet
  • Internal stylesheet
  • Inline stylesheet
HTML meta tags
  • Specifying a page author
  • Specifying a page description
  • Specifying a page expiration
  • Specifying a page generator
  • Specifying keywords for a page
  • Preventing frames
  • Redirecting the user from one page to another
HTML document types
  • Transitional document
  • Frameset document
  • Strict document
HTML base
  • Setting a reference point
  • Opening links in a new window
HTML scripts
  • Placing a script on a webpage
  • Dealing with browsers that cannot execute scripts

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